Every year on September 29, people around the world come together to celebrate World Heart Day. This global initiative aims to raise awareness about heart disease and promote preventive measures to combat cardiovascular diseases. Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality worldwide, and the day serves as an important reminder of the importance of heart health. In 2023, the theme “Use Heart, No Heart” emphasizes the use of emojis to convey the significance of the day and the importance of heart wisdom. The theme for World Heart Day in 2023, “Use Heart,” encourages the use of the heart emoji as a symbol to promote the theme and importance of the day. Emojis are a universal form of communication that transcends language barriers, making them a powerful tool for conveying important messages. The heart emoji serves as a visual representation of love, care, and attention to heart health. “Know Your Heart” underlines the importance of knowledge about heart health. Many people lack essential information about cardiovascular wellness. By raising awareness and educating individuals about their hearts, this theme empowers people to take control of their well-being. When people know more about their hearts, they can make informed decisions and take proactive steps to maintain heart health. Cardiovascular disease is a global health crisis, killing more than 20.5 million people annually. Conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure are responsible for a significant portion of these deaths. In fact, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality worldwide, accounting for approximately 31% of all global deaths. Heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart disease are among the most common culprits. The concept of a global World Heart Day was introduced by Antoni Bai de Luna, former President of the World Heart Association. In collaboration with the World Health Organization, World Heart Day was officially established in 1999. The first official celebration took place on September 24, 2000. For more than a decade, World Heart Day was celebrated on the last Sunday of September. In 2012, global leaders recognized the urgency of reducing mortality due to non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. They set a target of reducing these deaths by 25% by 2025. To achieve this mission, World Heart Day was shifted to its current date of 29 September. More than 90 countries now participate in organizing awareness campaigns and events to educate people about cardiovascular health. Heart diseases like heart attack and cardiac attack are increasing very fast. Behind this lies the problem of a weak heart. But, the heart can be strengthened by including some healthy foods in the diet. These healthy vegetables and fruits keep the heart always young by keeping away diseases like high blood pressure and cholesterol. Let us know which are the healthy foods for the heart.1. EAT GREEN VEGETABLES FOR A HEALTHY HEARTAmerican Heart Association i.e. AHA says that green vegetables should be consumed to keep the heart strong. Because, green and leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and cabbage have a high amount of nutrition, which helps in keeping heart diseases like high blood pressure and cholesterol away. 2. EAT WHOLE GRAINSThe AHA says to include whole grains daily in a heart-healthy diet. Because, consuming whole grains prevents diseases like heart disease, coronary heart disease, and stroke. 3. LEGUMES ARE HEALTHY FOR THE HEARTLentils, grams, and other legumes have good amounts of fiber and protein, which are essential for a healthy heart. At the same time, this food does not allow cholesterol to increase in the blood, which improves heart health. 4. VIRGIN OLIVE OILVirgin olive oil is healthy for the heart, which provides monounsaturated fats to the body. Apart from olive oil, other oils contain more trans fat, which creates the risk of increased cholesterol and blockage of blood. 5. HEALTHY FRUITS FOR HEART If you want to strengthen your heart, then include fruits like apples, bananas, pomegranates, oranges in your heart diet. By consuming these, the heart gets essential nutrients like fiber, antioxidants, and potassium, which help in keeping heart diseases away.
India is known for its history, culture, tradition, and natural beauty. This country is considered a symbol of grandeur and vastness. The country boasts of royal architecture and heritage as well as many luxurious hotels. Which meets the needs of every traveler and customer. You must also experience these hotels at least once in your life, but before that definitely check your pocket. Known for its many beautiful things, but what makes the most of the beauty of this country are the luxurious and expensive hotels or palaces here, whose one night rent is so much that you can plan a foreign trip with your entire family. Our country, famous all over the world for its beauty, is no less than heaven. The hills, valleys, lakes, beaches, etc. add to the beauty of this country. The craze of tourists in India can be gauged from the fact that more than 10 million foreign tourists come here annually to visit. In this glory, the most expensive hotels of India are included; whose one day rent is so much that humans can fulfill their Maldives dream. But along with being expensive, what is a luxury, you can get an example of it only and only in these hotels. So let us tell you about the most expensive hotels in India.
A peaceful holiday away from the mundane lives we all have been living in the lockdown is what most of us are looking for right now. But as it is most of us, it means all the major tourist destinations are going to be packed with people. And that is definitely not what the lovers of peace want.Right now, we need a place that is quiet so we can refresh ourselves, reboot ourselves and that is where the wellness of our body and mind lies right now. In the last few months, it has been like waking up to the same day with a different date. Our body needs an escape and as things return to normal (a bit). What could be better than spending some time to ourselves in a remote land and let nature heal you?Here is a list of 5 offbeat destinations you can go to reboot your mind, body and soul.
All of us, more often than not, are exhausted from the constant race we are running to stand somewhere in this fast-paced world. This race drains our energy and leaves us feeling tired both physically and mentally. Sometimes, all we seek is a break. A break from the continuing toil and wellness tourism provides us with exactly that. Wellness is a holistic approach to the wellbeing of an individual mentally, physically and spiritually.To help you de-stress, South Asian countries are the best place you can visit as along with the regular spas, yoga and ayurvedic centres, they have many ancient forms of wellness treatment.
Wellness tourism is the fastest booming industry in the tourism sector. Wellness tourism is not just about travelling to visit places but about cleansing your body and mind. In an effort to get away from the hustle and bustle of the inland city life and implement a sense of mindfulness to daily life. We have talked about various destinations in India that help you rejuvenate and press that reset button. But when it comes to Wellness Tourism destinations of the world, where should you actually visit? Here are the top 10 handpicked destinations of the world that specialises in promoting well being.
In this fast-pacing world, we are almost always digitally connected. It is very rare that we find ourselves away from the hustle-bustle of life owing to the modern-day workaholism. The reason why weekend getaways have become common and people are ready to do just anything to get some respite from this mindfulness. As a result, there is a new industry that is growing at an unimaginable pace. The industry is called “Wellness Tourism” as the name suggests it provides you with opportunities to relax, reset and reconnect in your downtime. However, it might be a bit difficult for you to search for the ideal destination for your next getaway. Which is why, we have handpicked these destinations for you to return home relaxed, resetting your mind and ready to reconnect back into your hectic life.
In today’s time, our lifestyle is way different than it used to be earlier. With the increased penetration of technology into our lives, we have become a lot busier and the exploiting use of technology and modern-day workaholism has consumed our minds to the extent that one or the other distraction always finds a way into our lives. The best-known way of untangling the knots of life is Meditation which not only helps us provide the peace we have been looking for but also gives us stress-free breaks.Most of us try to travel in order to get ourselves a break but are we doing it right. Next time when you plan a well-deserved break consider these destinations to make sure you rejuvenate your body and mind in the best possible way. India is the birthplace of Ayurveda, the science that teaches meditation as a treatment for your mind and soul. Visit these places for the best meditation breaks in India.
Ayurveda is a holistic Indian medicine practice which is more than 5,000-years old. It helps find harmony not just using a diet but also a wellness regime. The word ‘Ayurveda’ is derived from two different words ‘Ayu’ and ‘Veda’. Ayu means life and Veda means science. Hence, Ayurveda means ‘science of life’ or ‘science longevity’. It is a system of nature cure that promotes positive health. The best part of Ayurveda is that it cures the person and not the disease. The fast-paced world has separated humans from nature. We have lost the balance and to one way to regain it is to dive into a vast ocean of knowledge of Vedas or just lay down and let professional therapists heal your chakras with their magical hands. We are so occupied in our work and lives that the former seems a distant dream while the latter is quite feasible. Our work and increased penetration of technology into our lives have deteriorated our mental and emotional state. And as they say, “Health is Wealth”, it is time that we start practising this ancient science for a healthier body and mind.
There is an old saying that goes, “Health is wealth” and there is a very fast-growing number of people across becoming wiser to the fact. People have started to show importance to their physical and mental well-being. The reason behind is the acute rise is ailments such as stress, anxiety, cardiac illness, diabetes, insomnia and various other illnesses. There has been a huge rise in emphasis on wellness and people across the globe want to lead healthier and fitter lives.